The SevernPlus Family
Our Severnplus Traineeship is based on a solid curriculum offer. Our youngsters present a wide variety of learning needs so we begin with forging positive working relationships.
Understanding the individual needs of the youngsters we work with is crucial. Our work begins with promoting self-worth and confidence through practical, vocational activity. From here, we will identify specific learning styles and cover the essentials of compliance. Self advocacy and personal rights are an essential part of building an employability portfolio fit for our society.
This could include topics ranging from the safe use of tools to safeguarding issues. Everything we do is designed to ensure student safety & rights, and of course, boost their employability portfolio.
Severnplus have written a range of skills based AQA units, of which students can choose to follow, to gain the necessary knowledge, skills and experience of their chosen pathway. As they build a skill base, we can then write units based on personal needs and aspirations.
If appropriate we can add LANTRA and other trade accredited qualifications to support their personal aspirations. Acquired skills, experience and awards can now be put into a practical context. Our “Work Family” provide a context for real work experiences that we can control with the right amount of support that promotes confidence and competence in the workplace.
The sum total of theirs and our efforts, will lead to the Severnplus Traineeship. This individualised Award stands alongside our vision for positive outcomes for the youngsters we work with: Personal Enterprise, Further Study and Potential Employment.
Our core SevernPlus Staff members.
Of course, none of this would be possible without the professional relationship with our wider ‘work family’,
who are fully committed to providing a high level of advocacy - striving for equal opportunities and inclusion within the workplace.
Family members like Simon Gardiner, a professional tree surgeon who manages work experiences and oversees our Woodland management.
Nick Storer, a market leader in the delivery of health & safety compliance and Terry McGovern of “Tree School” who delivers specific LANTRA based land skills.
Special thanks go to all our valuable sponsors:
Severnplus are also proud sponsors of Stroud Rugby